sorry boss, but god says no can do: "As everyone knows, the Christian Pharmacists organization has taken it upon itself to decide which pills to dispense and which to deny. They say that dispensing birth control pills violates their beliefs. What else will we find violates their beliefs - psychiatric drugs? Pain medication? Cancer treatments? It's either a massive power play, or 'Christian pharmacist' turns out in their case to be an oxymoron - because the pharmacist's job is to give out drugs as prescribed, unless they are aware of medical reasons not to do so. In other words, their belief prevents them from actually doing the job.
Refusal to dispense medications is civil disobedience. Doing so, while at the same time demanding the right to retain that job, is something very different. It is demanding that the state empower you to impose your moral choices on others. The state laws that permit pharmacists to take these actions are confusing an act of conscience with the unwillingness to sacrifice (by giving up a job with requirements you consider immoral). When the state grants a pharmacist's license, it does so on behalf of the whole community - and the laws that represent it. Daniel Berrigan protested at draft boards, but he didn't ask to become the Director of the Selective Service. When soldiers are morally incapable of killing, they are given jobs that don't require it. They're not given a gun and put out on the front line to surrender."
(Via Night Light.)
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