Monday, April 25, 2005

AlterNet: Frist's Message of Divisiveness: "Yesterday was the much anticipated 'Justice Sunday,' the offensive event sponsored by right-wing religious groups willing to pervert their religion for misbegotten political purposes. Though hundreds of religious leaders, even his own reverend, implored Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) to reconsider his participation in the event or 'use that opportunity to repudiate the message of divisiveness and religious manipulation that is at the core of the gathering,' Sen. Frist did neither. Instead, Frist joined the festivities through a videotaped statement -- a 'stunt that in itself [imbued] 'Justice Sunday' with a touch of all-American spectacle worthy of 'The Wizard of Oz'' -- and 'stepped up his threats to change Senate rules ... while simultaneously calling for 'more civility in political life.''"

(Via AlterNet.)