Thursday, March 24, 2005 Blog: Shoot the messenger: "Some hilarity from

'A federal drug agent shot himself in the leg during a gun safety presentation to children and his bosses are investigating...He drew his .40-caliber duty weapon and removed the magazine, according to the police report...Witnesses said the gun was pointed at the floor and when he released the slide, one shot fired into the top of his left thigh.'

But wait, there's more. Somebody videotaped it all (see the video), and it turns out that the DEA didn't suspend this agent wafter he shot himself in close quarters with children, oh no, they only suspended him after the video surfaced and the DEA was humiliated. Then, they began an investigation to find out who taped it. As we all know, it is a serious crime to expose federal idiocy.

The best part in the video is when the students start to make fun of the agent following the shooting."

(Via Blog.)