Friday, February 18, 2005

Del. Dick "Baby Pesticides" Black says VA Senate is "Aligned With Elements of Vice": "Delegate Black also spends time in the interview repeating the discredited claims of one of his star witnesses, pseudo-sociologist Paul Cameron. Black said, 'The fact [sic] is, in children that have a homosexual parent, approximately 29% of children are molested by that parent. That contrasts with .6 percent of normal parents....a 50 to 1 increase in risk for molestation.'  No reputable scientific study backs up these claims.  Black continues by saying, 'No structure is more unstable than a homosexual relationship.'"


"One of the most stunningly twisted quotes from the interview was Black saying that the main issue is 'whether we should favor the best interest of the child, or whether the children should be used as rewards for certain sex activists'." 

(Via Democracy for Virginia.)