Monday, January 31, 2005

Neocon=Traitor: "The resignation of Douglas Feith is the first good news to come out of the Bush administration since the election. Everything else was scripted long ago: the appointment of obedient henchmen (and henchwomen) to key positions, budget deficits mounting as steadily as the death toll in Iraq, messianic ravings about freedom, which (if taken literally) would justify endless war—perpetual slavery for perpetual liberty, to paraphrase Harry Elmer Barnes.

Then, just one day after the bloodiest day (for Americans, that is) in Iraq, the Pentagon announces the resignation of Douglas Feith, the intelligence genius who linked Saddam with Al Quaeda and misled General Franks, the American foreign policy expert who has spent much of his active career advising and shilling for the Likud Party, the patriot who was accused of giving secrets to a foreign power (guess which one?) and whose subordinate is now under investigation for the same treason."

(Via Hard Right!.)