Wednesday, December 01, 2004

BONO’S JUSTICE, AKA MARXISM: "A ‘just’ society, on this understanding, is a society in which incomes are leveled out so that gap between the richest and the poorest members is slight, and where each person has the chance to fulfill his dreams, and it makes no difference if my parents worked hard and your parents were trailer trash, or, indeed, if you work hard and I am trailer trash.

On the international scale, justice is the old Marxist cry (sounded loudly in The Communist Manifesto) for equalizing the conditions of life in rich and poor nations. In other words, it is the welfare state applied internationally. Individuals or nations that prefer to hang onto their own money and spend it they way they would like, are, by definition unjust.

Now, poor Bono may well be some kind of ‘committed Christian’ (and I can think of several institutions where he might be committed—lunatic asylums and prisons mostly), but his argument is fundamentally anti-Christian because it takes away from human beings the obligation and opportunity to be charitable."

(Via Hard Right!.)