Sunday, December 12, 2004

AlterNet: Election 2004: Minimum wage battle won in NY: "Starting on January 1, New York state's minimum wage will rise to $6.00/hour, and eventually increase to $7.15/hour. Now that's not a huge jump, but as Katrina vanden Heuvel points out at The Nation, 'For full-time workers, it's an increase from $10,700 per year to $14,900. That's still not enough for a family to live on, but it's a good raise by any standard, and roughly one million workers will benefit from the increase.'

Katrina notes that after N.Y. Gov. Pataki had vetoed the minimum wage bill after its passage in the State House, a majority of the Republican state senators overrode Pataki's veto."

(Via AlterNet.)